The water pump in the car is one of the essential parts for the engine operation. It pumps water from the cooling tank to the engine cooler. If this pump gets damaged, it may cause significant problems in the engine's performance, and could potentially lead to its breakdown.
So, in this article, we will identify the signs that indicate damage to the car's water pump, and how to deal with it.

What is the water pump in the car?
It is a vital component in the car's cooling system, as it pumps water from the water tank to the radiator and the engine. Consequently, it maintains the engine's temperature within the appropriate range and prevents its heating and loss of control, thereby protecting the engine from damage and excessive wear, and prolonging the car's lifespan.
The water pump also contributes to improving fuel efficiency, as an engine operating at the appropriate temperature consumes less fuel. In addition, maintaining the appropriate temperature is essential.For the engineIt improves the performance and power of the car, and works to enhance the driving experience.
In addition, maintaining engine temperature balance helps to avoid other issues such as expansion and contraction in engine parts, hoses, and metal seals, thereby protecting the car from failures and collateral damage.
Consequently, the water pump plays a crucial role in the health and safety of the car. The car owner should regularly maintain it and verify its correct functioning to prevent issues and breakdowns which could cause significant damage to the engine and the car as a whole.
Types of Water Pump in the Car
There are many types of water pumps used in cars, and here are some of them:
1- The manual pump
This pump is used in old cars that do not have a cooling or hydraulic system. This pump consists of a manual handle that is moved by hand to draw water from the tank and push it to the radiator.
2- Electric Pump
This pump is used in modern cars, and it operates electrically. This pump consists of an electric pump that functions to pump water from the tank to the radiator.
3- Hydraulic Water Pump
This pump is used in cars with a hydraulic system, such as the braking and steering systems. This pump consists of a hydraulic-operated pump for circulating different fluids within the car.
4- Mechanical Water Pump
This pump is used in cars that have steam engines or old petrol engines. These pumps operate by mechanical rotation to pump water from the tank to the radiator.
The car owner should regularly maintain the car's water pump to keep the cooling system in good condition and ensure that there are no problems with the engine performance.
Also read:Discover the 4 reasons for the damage to your car's gasoline pump.

What are the signs that indicate a car's water pump is damaged?
There are many signs that can indicate damage to the car's water pump, which are as follows:
1- The engine temperature is rising.
When the car's water pump is damaged, it may not be able to pump enough water to the radiator, which can cause the engine's temperature to rise. If this problem is not addressed quickly, it could lead to engine failure and expensive repair costs.
2- Unusual sound
When the car's water pump is damaged, it can cause an abnormal sound to emit from the engine area. This indicates that the pump may need to be repaired or replaced.
3- Water Leakage
When the water pump gets damaged, it may leak water, leading to a decrease in the amount of water in the cooling tank. This indicates a need for repair or replacement.
4- Engine vibration
When the car's water pump gets damaged, it can cause the engine to vibrate, which could lead to its breakdown. To deal with this problem, the pump must be checked and repaired, or replaced if necessary.
5- Unnatural vibrations
If there are unusual vibrations in the car, it could be due to damage to the car's water pump. These vibrations can cause a decline in the overall performance of the car.
6- Improper Water Flow
If you notice that the water is not flowing properly in the cooling system, it may indicate pump damage, as the pump works to continuously circulate the water to maintain the engine temperature at the appropriate level.
7- Unusual Smell
If there is an unusual smell coming from the engine, it could be due to damage to the car's water pump, as water could leak into the engine and cause an unusual smell.

When should the car's water pump be replaced?
It is one of the fundamental components in the car's cooling system, which works by pumping water into the engine to maintain its temperature at the appropriate level. To avoid breakdowns and engine damage, any car owner should pay attention to the maintenance of the pump and replace it when needed.
There is no specific timetable for replacing the car's water pump, as this varies according to several factors such as the signs indicating pump damage, the age of the car, the amount of use, and the conditions of the roads the car is driven on.
It is advised to check the condition of the car's water pump during the periodic inspection of the vehicle, and when taking care of the maintenance of the rest of the components in the cooling system. In case any signs of pump damage are diagnosed, it should be replaced immediately before any damage occurs to the engine.
Generally, it is recommended to change the car's water pump every 100,000-150,000 kilometers or between 3-5 years, or according to the manufacturer's recommendations depending on the type and model of the car. Also, you should refer to the car’s user manual and follow the manufacturer's advice.